Friday 16 April 2010

The Mach IV Test

So while I was doing my usual browsing of the internet researching things that have no real importance to what im doing I stumbeled across the wiki entry for Niccolo Machiavelli, I didn't get far into the article when I read about the Mach IV psychological test to see how machiavellian you are, so i took the test.
The possible answers to the questions were quite obvious as they went from extremes, but you could generally guess what kinda rating you would get before it calculated it for you.

Example question:

"The biggest difference between criminals and other people is that criminals are stupid enough to get caught"

And you answer ranging from strongly agree to strongly disagree with options inbetween.

So my score was 74/100 which is a 'Strong Mach' meaning that im quite manipulative and untrustworthy . . . great!

The Mach IV Test

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